Wir freuen uns, Sie zu unserem dreizehnten Software Performance Meetup am 14.11.17 einzuladen und dabei über 900 Performance Meetup Mitglieder zu feiern!
Codecentric wird dieses Meetup hosten und Dmitri Melikyan (StackImpact) wird darüber berichten wieso Continuous production profiling wichtig ist und wie es sich von typischen Performance-Monitoring-Methoden unterscheidet. Im zweiten Vortrag wird Tsvetan Stoychev von ePetWorld GmbH seine Erfahrungen beim Schreiben eine eigenen Real User Monitoring Lösung mit uns teilen:
Dmitri Melikyan (StackImpact): Continuous production profiling
Performance profiling is an indistinguishable part of software development since the beginning. With the evolution of software applications, popularity of new programming languages and move to the cloud, the performance profiling tools and methods evolved as well. In this talk I’m going to summarize profiling tool history and basics, focusing on continuous production profiling, which is intended for optimizing and troubleshooting state-of-the-art data-intensive applications.
Tsvetan Stoychev (ePetWorld GmbH): The Basics of Building Simple Real User Monitoring Systems for Measuring Frontend Performance
In the beginning of this year I started researching heavily about web performance optimisation (WPO). I discovered many WPO techniques and implemented some of them in one of my own webshops (https://www.darvart.de). I even gave a talk and demonstrated those techniques at a conference but immediately after the talk I got an ‘a-ha’ moment. What is the point of any optimisation if we can’t measure it? This question motivated me to do further research and build a proof of concept of a basic Real User Monitoring (RUM) system. In this talk I will cover the basics of collecting performance data from the user’s browser, decoding this data, rendering waterfall diagrams, visualising histograms and relating the data with Google Analytics.
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